• “The smartest historical sci-fi adventure-romance story ever written by a science Ph.D. with a background in scripting 'Scrooge McDuck' comics.”—Salon.com
  • A time-hopping, continent-spanning salmagundi of genres.”
  • “These books have to be word-of-mouth books because they're too weird to describe to anybody.”
    —Jackie Cantor, Diana's first editor

Best Wishes… and Sad News

Diana's dogs napping on a pillow.My best wishes for a good New Year to everybody.

I’m sorry that I have to begin the year myself with bad news; my lovely dog JJ died this afternoon (complications from a freak accident he suffered two weeks ago) and we buried him next to my garden, where he loved to hunt rabbits and toads with his brother, Homer.

Homer is bereft and so are we.


In the upper-right image, JJ and Homer take a nap together. In the next photo, JJ looks for critters to chase in a prickly pear cactus:

Diana's dog JJ and a prickly pear.


In the photo below, JJ and Homer were not sure of a visitor in 2012 and tried to hide:


95 Responses »

  1. So sorry to read about your loss of your beloved furbaby.

  2. So very sorry. Hugs !!!

  3. So sorry for your loss. I lost my Shih Tsu, Donatello (Don-Don) to cute myeloid leukemia on January 8th and his sisters miss him terribly, too.

  4. I’m so sorry for tour loss. Our pets are just as much a part of our family and loosing them is so hard. Thoughts with you and yours during this time.

  5. I’m so sorry for your loss. The animals we love are part of our family. Thank you for sharing some of your memories of JJ.

  6. So terribly sorry to hear of your loss. This is one of the very worst things that can happen to these sweet and gentle souls.

  7. It is always so heartbreaking to lose a precious furbaby! So sorry for your loss. He is waiting for you at The Rainbow Bridge and is healthy again!

  8. I am so sorry for your loss! My heart goes to you and Homer…

  9. So sorry for your loss. Our animals are family. Xxx

  10. Why are the people making the television version of your excellent novels determined to turn them into mediocre episodes that ruin your well thought out plots? Brianna proposes to Lord John? Roger is captured by the Mohawks? Roger? I sympathize with what must be your disappointment at such meddling.

  11. So sorry to read about that – I had the same kind of dog once upon a time; she was buried in our garden at the house.

  12. I am so sorry Diana. Dogs bring so much joy into our lives and I’m sure so did yours.

    I wanted to say that your books bring me a great deal of joy and I have read all 8 of them several times each.

    Thank you for your great books!


  13. So very sorry for your loss. Dogs are such a wonderful part of our lives and their loss is keenly felt. I hope your memories will sustain you during this difficult time. God bless you.

  14. So sad to hear of JJ’s passing. My best friend and soulmate is my 7lb Chihuahua, Ashur, I rescued in 2011. When he leaves me I don’t know how I will ever recover the loss. My heart breaks for you.

  15. I am so sorry for your loss of JJ. In June 2018 my Penny passed away on her 12th birthday. I had helped deliver her from her mama Maddi and she was in my arms when she passed. They are all so special so very special to us! So sorry!! ,<3

  16. So sorry for your loss I know how hard it is to lose a dog… feels like a member of the family. Hope Homer will not be too sad about it and will keep going. Be brave and remember him always.

  17. There are no words, that I know of, that can express my deepest sorrow and empathy for yours, your family’s and Homers loss. We had to say goodbye and let go of our 12 year old pitbull Choppa in August of 2017. I have no human children, but Choppa was and will forever be my son. He was my family, my best friend and my emotional support companion. Everday I come home from work and expect to see his smiling face, wiggling bum and hear him talk too me, (cause he did in fact talk to me in his own special language,) but that never happens, aside from my memories. The whole in my heart will always be there, but we had to say goodbye and chose not to be selfish and end his pain, that came on all too quickly and within just one week, we knew it was time for us to be good, loving, unselfish parents. A decision I wish upon no one ever, even though most pet parents will have to do so at some point. I’m so sorry for your own traumatic experience, as a dog mom I understand how heart renching any scenario is when loosing that special part of your family. I make sure I think about and remember Choppa everday and will now remember JJ as well… Maybe Choppa and JJ are together playing up in dog heaven over the rainbow bridge. Some people may think it’s ridiculous, but I still grieve him daily.. But for a short time, when I pick up one of your books and I am transported to another place, another time.. its a small break from the sadness. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you for all your hard work and dedication you put into your writing… If only the magic in the stones were real..

  18. Never an easy thing having a beloved pet pass. Even harder when they leave one of their canine close ones behind.
    Been there and through that.
    Love and hugs to all involved, especially the four legged one.

  19. So sorry for your loss.

  20. Dianna, I am so sorry for your loss of your little JJ. Losing a pet is never easy. All I can offer are some words of comfort.

    Please keep in mind that their are no sad dogs in heaven.
    They all have had their collars raised to sit above their head as halos.

    Wishing you and your family the best under these painfully sad circumstances.

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