• “The smartest historical sci-fi adventure-romance story ever written by a science Ph.D. with a background in scripting 'Scrooge McDuck' comics.”—Salon.com
  • A time-hopping, continent-spanning salmagundi of genres.”
  • “These books have to be word-of-mouth books because they're too weird to describe to anybody.”
    —Jackie Cantor, Diana's first editor

Quick Question – 20th-Anniversary Edition

Well, it’s like this:  The new, snazzy, all-signing, all-dancing (well, singing, at least) 20th-anniversary edition of OUTLANDER will be released on July 5th.

On July 5th, I personally will be traveling from New York to Laramie, WY (which is one of those places that you can’t get there from here, so it will take all day, starting before dawn) in order to be the keynote speaker at the Sir Walter Scott Symposium held at the University of Wyoming. What with one thing and another (ThrillerFest, for one–it’s even more impossible to get _back_ from Laramie to New York, taking all night as well as part of the next day), I won’t be back in Arizona until sometime on the 10th.

Now, The Poisoned Pen bookstore has graciously offered to host an event for the launch of this book, if I’d like. The question, though, is really–would _you_ guys like this?

I’d be happy to spend an evening with you and sign your books (and perhaps read a few excerpts from the upcoming SCOTTISH PRISONER and the so-far-untitled Book Eight (I really must come up with a title one of these days), but I don’t know how much demand there might be for Diana Live {g}, given the nature of this particular book. I mean, it’s a _beautiful_ book, and stuffed full of entertaining extra material–but it’s not a brand-new novel, either.

Let me know what you think, and I’ll tell the bookstore in a couple of days.


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133 Responses »

  1. I think this is greeaattt! Couldn’t you come to Oregon though? We’d love to have you…..set up a reading at my bookstore….maybe just let that percolate. ;)

  2. 20 years since I fell in love with Jamie and Claire ? Unbelievable. Diana, if I lived closer then New Jersey I’d be there in a heartbeat. Congrats on the 20 years Diana. :)
    Carol L.

  3. Extra Material? Do tell!

    In response to the question, I would love to be there but live too far away. :(

    • Dear Elizabeth–

      Maps, timelines (historical and fictional), an essay by me on how I write and what the internal shapes of the books are, and a sampler CD of OUTLANDER: The Musical {g}, featuring several songs from the production, including a bonus track not on the original CD.


  4. Congratulations Diana,

    I will deffinately be buying the 20th anniversary edition, and God help the one who touches it! I have 3-4
    dog-ear copies of all the early books, but Fiery Cross, ABOSAA, and Echo in the Bone are my good hardcover editions and those I keep to myself. I have lent all the early books to friends and family to get them hooked, and I feel that by the time they get to those, it’s time they buy their own and put a few pennies in the pot for you and yours .

    I hope to see you in person in August and I will be bringing the hard covers to get signed. Is there a limit, are 4 books too many? I’m counting the days. We live about 2 1/2 hrs away and since I don’t want to travel back and forth for 2 days we are trying to find accomedations nearby. There is NOTHING to be had in Fergus, not even a broom closet, so we are searching the surrounding areas. Wish us luck.

    ( Should have booked last January when I found out you were coming. Live and learn.)

    Have a wonderful trip, and I hope you meet lots of interesting characters that may show up in future novels.

    As Always~~~~~~~Fran

  5. Alas the Poisoned Pen is not in New Zealand. Therefore I might not make it, but great opportunity for those who can. I shall certainly be looking out for the Anniversary Outlander though.

  6. I will be on vacation in Phoenix on July 14 & 15. I would certainly set aside some time to come to a launch party if one could be arranged!!

    • Dear Jennifer–

      Would love to see you then! Alas, it’ll have to be July 11th, as Doug and I are leaving for Scotland on the 14th. (But you can call or email the Poisoned Pen and have them set aside a book for you for me to sign. Then you could pick it up when you got to town!)


      • I will do that. You are wonderful, thanks! Have a great time in Scotland!

      • I miss Scotland! Say hi to the mountains, lochs and sea for me!
        I absoutly love the way you bring them to life in the Outlander Series.
        Have a wonderful trip- hard not to that time of year, the weather is beautiful-
        Scottish Butterfli

  7. I remember being at Waldenbooks and finding Outlander in paperback. It was the last one on the shelf. That was so long ago,but I was hooked! I ordered Outlander in hardback and I have all of them in hardback.I only have 3 of signed,including the companion. If only The Poisoned Pen were closer. I enjoy seeing you and listening to you when you read excerpts of the boook(s). I have it on my calendar to get the 20th when it comes out in July. My birthday present from me to me! Regina

  8. Hey Diana
    I was thinking what you could do is hire a signing double, someone that looks like you to go and sign the books. It would be like when an actor has a stunt or butt double ;) That might help you out!

  9. I wish I lived close but from Indiana it’s a long drive. I will be buying a copy and can’t wait to have it in hand. I have all of your Outlander books, including the graphic novel. One day I will get out to hear you read or see you in person. Love the books!

  10. I would love to come. Would it be when you get back from Wyoming then? I live in San Francisco, so I could see a road trip. :)
    Twenty years, wow!! I won a box of Outlander books to give away, and in honor of your being a Professor, I gave a book to one of the university students here at my hospital. I told her it was for her summer reading when she was done with school in a few weeks.

  11. How crazy that you will be in Laramie! I was born and raised in Cheyenne (45 miles east of Laramie). I would definitely go and see you there, however, my daughter turns five on July 5th and she would freak if I wasn’t here to host her and all of her princess friends for her golden birthday! :) Safe travels and congratulations on the 20th anniversary of Outlander!

  12. I am already making travel plans!!! See you July Diana :)

  13. Hello Diana!
    First – Please tellyour husband – Happy Belated Birthday!

    I am exceited to hear about the Anniversery Edition – which I will be buying. I like the cover – but the cover to the paperback will always be my favorite.

    But I must agree with Keila above – but the joy you have brought me through the Outlander series
    minimizes my distress that book eight is yet untitiled and no new excerpts.

    Meanwhile I have many lined up – Currently on Jean M Auel’s – The Land of the Painted Caves; then Sam’s two books. I had to re- buy the first one which my son had taken to Afganistan last Sept. and did not bring home!! :p I gues the Marines there like them some Sykes because it made the rounds – never to return!

    BTW – my son does NOT believe that Sam has tasted every animal on earth as he proclaims in his book forward or website – Jon did not say where he read it – just made the off hand comment.

    Until we meet again!

  14. Coming out on June 22. Be there until the 25th. Can’t wait!! Visited my bff, last year, what a gorgeous place you live in. She lives outside Phoenix and we went into Old Town Scottsdale, will be going again. Have loved your books for years. Reading book 7. It came out on my birthday or very close to it. Best gift ever


  15. Of course I will come to the Poison Pen to celebrate, in July, with friends!

  16. Diana,

    If you were to have such a launch party I might just try to fly out for it, since I was unable to make it to the launch for EitB. I do wish you’d include Boston on your next book tour! (I know, you don’t make the schedule.)

    Let’s see, I already have my original mass market paperback of Outlander, the copy of Cross Stitch I bought in Scotland, the free copy of Outlander from the carton that I was honored to be able to distribute as part of the pre-EitB-release marketing campaign, and a digital copy of Outlander on my Kindle… but I’ll be first in line for the 20th Anniversary edition, and I’d love to have your signature on it!

    Nicole Z

  17. Yes, I would love to come, too… But I live in Sweden, so it’s a bit far, I’m afraid. And we devoted fans that live in northern Europe, is it impossible for us to get a signed copy? (Saw you mentioning to MhariDubh to email the Poison Pen.)

    Bästa hälsningar – j

    • Dear Jenny–

      The Poisoned Pen will ship autographed books anywhere in the world. {g} So all you have to do is send an email to patrick@poisonedpen.com and tell him what books you want, and how you’d like them signed. Nothing to it!


      • Just the question I was going to ask! Tack Jenny ;-)

        Even I live in Sweden, so now I’m going to order that book right away!! If I lived anywhere nere there I would most certainly be at the event!! And I think (even though I think you should be writing on book eight ;-) that it is very good for you to take a break, I think you deserve it, as long as you continue the writing aswell!!
        Have a nice weekend!

      • Dear Mervi–

        Errrr….you think spending an evening signing books is a) “taking a break” and/or b) going to delay my finishing the book? Rof,l!


      • Eeh… guess not ;-) I was more thinking about getting out of the house (or where you do your writing), but I suppose in case you need to get out, you’d probable need to be by yourself, and not among a lot of (read: hysteric fans) people… I better stop here, whatever I put in writing, gets wrong… But I’d still be there at the event if I was nereby. I wish you good luck, either way! Btw, the cover is lovely!!

  18. I would be at the Poisoned Pen on 7/11 (what a lucky date!) if I have no conflict with Mom & Dad’s 61st anniversary! Set it up and I’ll figure out how to work it in. :)
    Learning that you’ll be leaving for Scotland on 7/14 answers the question whether you’ll be in Flag for the NACHS Highland Festival. I am envious of your trip to Scotland (I hope to return soon) and sorry we’ll miss you at the Flagstaff Festival. The main attractions at the event for me are you and the Wicked Tinkers (besides the scotch, of course!)

  19. Have you thought about trying some sort of webcast? It’s difficult to make them interactive, but I’d love to hear you reading some excerpts, give some updates on other WIP(???) and perhaps you could solicit questions in advance to try to address. This would limit the need for you to travel, but give more of us a chance to see you “live” even if it is over the web.

    • Dear JaneEllen–

      If you click on “Videos” in the top bar there, you’ll see a link to my YouTube Channel, where you can hear me read excerpts, talk, etc. to no small extent. {g} In answer, though, I’ve done podcasts before and in the fullness of time, probably will do video webcasts as well–but that, too, takes time: both to figure out the technical aspects, to choose topics, and do the recording. Not as much time as a full-scale book-tour, but more than I’ve got right now, alas.


  20. I can’t believe you are going to be in Wyoming! Of course I hopped on UW’s website and the registration closed in March…too bad. Would have loved to hear you speak. You wouldn’t be planning on stopping off in Cheyenne as well? It is on the way between Denver and Laramie…unless you are planning on taking a little plane…btw great lakes airlines are never on time…

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